Thursday, July 5, 2012


Dr. Jack Wheeler
To The Point
Thursday, 28 June 2012

It's hard to fathom why John Roberts would murder the Constitution today, but his mental contortions don't matter. The reality is that America no longer has a Constitution, thanks to his vote and that of the four other loony-left libs on the No Longer Supreme Court.

Without a Constitution providing a coherent rule of law, America is now a thoroughly lawless nation. There are many consequences to this, and among them is that no one is obligated to obey the law because the law no longer exists. What exists now in place of law are threats - hundreds of thousands of threats issued by federal bureaucrats who call them "regulations," and enforced by gun-toting federal goons.

The threats of a federal agent are not morally different now than those of a mugger in an alley. When either one sticks a gun in your face and yells, "Your money or your life!", it is a purely pragmatic decision to give the thief your wallet - but you are under no moral obligation whatsoever to do so.

What happened today in the No Longer Supreme Court's 5-4 upholding of ZeroCare is an ultimate expression of Airhead America.

Hopefully, this cowardly Roberts decision (under his ludicrous logic, the federal government can require every American to buy arugula, then tax us if we don't) will enrage enough voters to ensure Romney's defeat of Zero in November. Yet that defeat is now less of a panacea than ever. At the very most, it would be our El Alamein.

It was there, in early November, 1942, that British forces defeated those of the Nazis in Egypt. Up until then, Britain had been defeated everywhere, from Dunkirk to Singapore. When Churchill announced the victory to Parliament, he cautioned, "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Only perhaps. The hole we have to dig our country out of got a lot deeper today. And it was abysmally deep to begin with.

Andrew Klavan provides three primary examples that should cause any sentient person to laugh at the myth of Zero's superior character: He lies constantly about who he is; his basic values are not American; he has no clue whatever about how the real world works.

So, Zero has no character to be president. But what about us? Does a voting majority of "we the people" have the character to be Americans? Here we have a clueless, anti-American president of zero moral character and he and Romney are in a dead heat in the latest NBC/WSJ poll. Obviously, a very substantial portion of the electorate close to a majority does not have the character to be actual Americans.

Why? Because they are Airheads. To gain a fuller understanding of why, you need to get to know David Gelernter. He's a full professor of computer science at Yale University whom Bill Joy (founder of Sun Microsystems) calls "one of the most brilliant computer scientists of our time," for pioneering parallel processing and artificial intelligence.

Aside from being one of "the world's 100 leading scientists" according to the New York Times, he's a well-regarded painter and poet, a Jewish spiritualist, an author and novelist, the victim of a mailbomb by Unabomber Ted Kaczynski (in 1993, his right hand and eye suffered permanent damage), and winner of a $625 million lawsuit against Apple for patent infringement. Oh... and he's a full-bore pro-American, pro-capitalist conservative.

This week - good timing, David! - his latest book was published, and it is simply necessary for you to buy, beg, or borrow a copy and read it. It'sAmerica-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture and Ushered in the Obamacrats. This is the Book of the Year.

He traces academia's disembowelment of American culture to the "cultural revolution" of the 1960s and 70s fomented by boomer kids who hated their parents for being the Greatest Generation that won WWII and created America as a superpower of prosperity and national strength. What could they do to match that? So they augured into resentment and hatred of their country and culture. The only way they could make a living doing so was entrench themselves into academia - which they took over.

Academics, especially those in the non-sciences, have a natural tendency to view theory (their own theories in particular) as more important that facts and reality. "Disregard for the truth and preference for ideas over people," he quotes historian Paul Johnson, "marks the true secular intellectual."

Couple this with the Hate America resentment of Boomer Academics and you get the transformation of Ivy League prestigious academia from proud pro-America dominance by WASPs (peaking in the 1950s and early 60s) to dominance by PORGIs - post-religious globalist intellectuals. For over 30 years now, the PORGIs have been turning their students into Airheads who have no capacity for independent reality-based thought.

Zero and his generation of Airheads is "the first to come of age after the cultural revolution." As such, it is "unique in American history. All former leftist movements were driven by ideology. Obama's is driven by ignorance."

Let that sink in. And this: "Obama is not important in himself, except insofar as he is black." That is, we elected him to pass the final exam in Tolerance School. "But the man himself is merely a mouth for garden-variety left-liberal ideas... He is important not because he is exceptional but because he is typical. He is the new establishment. He is the post-cultural revolution PORGI elite."

Zero is thus "a symbol, the living embodiment, of the failure of American education and its ongoing replacement by political indoctrination." "How could," Gelernter asks, " thirty-plus years of educational malpractice not matter?"

As a result, he concludes, "The nation is filling inexorably with Airheads, nominally educated yet ignorant, trained and groomed like prize puppies to be good liberals."

At this, he's just warming up. "Conservatives believe that today's liberals are ideologues. They have not grasped the colossal, terrifying truth. The words and actions of President Obama and of many in his administration don't even rise to the level of ‘ideological.' Airhead liberals from Obama on down base their worldview, their political shtick, and all their intellectual bookings on ignorance. Their attitudes are learned by rote."

Simply, "This president is not an ideologue." To claim he is a "Marxist," for example would be giving him way too much intellectual credit, for "he does not reach to that level." Zero is, rather, "a PORGI Airhead - smart, educated, and ignorant... the acclaimed leader of the Airhead Generation."

Yet our Airhead President graduated from some of the best schools in America: Columbia and Harvard Law. This is what really alarms Gelernter - for it means that Zero "isn't especially ignorant. He is only the leading citizen of an ignorant generation. What does that say about our schools?" he asks. "What does that say about America in general?"

His solutions are generational - home-schooling, internet-based education - but we don't have the decades to effect them. A far faster solution would be for a Romney administration and Pub Congress to eliminate the Department of Education - zero it out - and all federal funding of education (including universities, including student loans). That would sober future Airheads up fast.

The other quick fix is to put this current crop of Airheads on a diet of reality. We could call it the TANSTAAFL Diet. Popularized by Robert Heinlein in his 1966 sci-fi The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, and numerous articles by Milton Friedman, it's the acronym for There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. No more mooching on the taxpayers' dime.

The best place to start that would be to put an end to Food Stamp Nation. No mas. Zero it out. All $80 billion of it.

We simply have to put the nation's Airheads on a steep learning curve to thinking for themselves and being responsible for themselves. The steeper the better, for the faster they will learn and adapt, and the quicker will be their return to being Americans.

We have a higher hurdle to overcome with the contempt John Roberts has displayed towards the Constitution today. He has joined the Left. He has become an Airhead. It is a real tragedy. But we cannot let him get in our way. We have no longer any moral obligations to obey his rulings. We live in a lawless nation. It's up to us to bring order out of liberal chaos and restore Constitutional government.

On November 6, Airhead America will lose. That will be the end of the beginning of its defeat. If we have the courage of Churchill and reject the cowardice of Roberts, Airhead America will someday be no more.

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